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  • What is RESolve ?

    RESolve is a software platform which ensures that micro and distributed public assets are established properly and timely and is maintained well so that it gives proper service throughout its economic life.

  • What does it do ?

    RESolve through its Project Management componenent tracks the asset establishment workflow and creates an evidence based comprehensive database of assets.

    • Maps the database to the people who are responsible and accountble for its proper working.
    • Manages and Monitors the service performance of the stakeholders.

  • Why do we need it ?

    Public Assets established for public welfare often degenerate and stop working before their intended lifespan. Apart from factors like natural disasters and vandalism, the primary reason for the premature failure of these systems is lack of maintanance. RESolve responds to this problem by putting together a solution to improve the maintenance service.

  • How does it work ?
    • Establish a CRC to provide a comunication channel to the remote users. Tollfree.
    • Customise the web/ Mobile application.
    • Build up the Comprehensive Asset Database.
    • Train the stakeholders to use the technology.
    • Aggregate Asset performance information from the community
    • Process and categorize each request and map it to the entity concerned.
    • Follow up each case and monitor the performance.
    • Rank and rate the stakeholders performance.
    • Measure user satisfaction..
  • Who is it for ?

    It is ideally suited for the organizations whose performance is dependant on the performance of the thousands of micro assets under it. For example assets like micro renewable assets, drinking water systems, Irrigation systems and Grid connected rooftop solar systems. Apart from that, the system can be configured to manage assets like small anganwadi centres, high mast lights, streetlights and similar assets scattered across remote locations which are difficult to monitor.

  • How does it help me ?

    It helps you by increasing the life expectancy and effeciency of your local community welfare asset. These maybe a solar powered generator, a child care hospital or a high mast street light. Whatever the asset, it allows the community to look after it and report on its performance and status.

  • How do i use it ?

    RESolve is customizable to specific requirements and is available on subscription model. For details write into contact@pspl.ind.in More....

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