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RESolve is a state of the art product of Parameter Softwares (P) Ltd. which creates a platform for Project Management, Stakeholder Engagement and Asset Management. This is relevant to micro-disributed public assets like On-Grid and Off-Grid Solar installations, Micro Drinking water Systems, Lift Irrigation Systems. It leverages the best of the community and technology to provide an affordable and fast deployable system for the owners. This is intended to achieve high degree of user satisfaction and asset sustainability through its economic life. More ...

  • Public Assets

    Government establishes thousands of micro facilities (Assets) for providing various services to people viz. a Drinking Water System, a Child Care Centre, a high mast Streetlight, a water ATM and so on for the welfare of the community.

  • Problems Associated with Public Assets

    • Difficulty in Maintainability due to diversified and distributed in nature
    • Degraded Service due to endogenous and exogenous factors
    • Poor communication between Inter-Stakeholders of the asset
    • Lack of User Satisfaction and Asset Sustainability

  • Efficiency & Economic Life

    The public assets created by the government have a certain economic lifespan. Due to negligence these assets collapse way before its economic life gets over. As a result the community is barred from receiving the intended welfare thus defeating the mission since the net volume of working/functional assets is always low eventually leading to loss in investment.

  • Why RESolve & What role does it play

    RESolve brings in an intelligent public asset management system which integrates all the stakeholders involved.The system not only plans, scouts, verifies potential scope for new asset installation, but also captures real-time data from the field where assets are already established and uploads data to the system triggering corrective as well as scheduled maintenance of the assets to the respective stakeholders viz. vendors and technicians. This reduces cost, ensures on time maintenance and eventually proper delivery of welfare to the community in a seamless manner.

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